International Seminar

Artificial Intelligence – Perspectives, Legislation, Recommendations, and Ethical Responsibility in Teaching and Education 

Seminar will be streamed online and link will be sent to registered persons later

May 22, 2024 

Register here

Register by May 15, 2024.

Venue Savilahti Campus, Savonia kampussydän 

Hehkukatu 1
70210 Kuopio


9:00 – 9:45 Registration and morning Coffee at Restaurant Loisto 
Meeting point I Savon ammattiopisto, Hehkukatu 1, 70210 Kuopio 

10:00 – 12:00 Seminar Program at Savonia Kampussydän 

12:00 – 13:00 Networking Lunch at Restaurant Parvi (self-funded) 

13:00 – 14:00 Visit to the Taitaja Event 

Seminar Content/Theme: 

Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence. The AI revolution is underway, and a new era has also begun in education and training. How to act responsibly and ethically while utilizing AI applications? Perspectives on utilizing AI in educational development and learning, as well as the guidance published by the European Commission on the use of AI and data in teaching and learning. 

AI requires new types of skills and changes professional expertise and education. 

How does education respond to what is happening with AI and skill needs? 

How does AI change work from the perspective of companies? 

Target Audience: 

Directors of Skills organizations from other countries, technical and official delegates (often representatives of their own country’s ministries). Additionally, domestic vocational school leadership, developers, and experts, company management and experts, municipal decision-makers, and partners (representatives of the consortium board and council). 

Seminar Host: Eero Väätäinen, Marketing Manager, Savo Consortium of Education 


10:05 Opening of the seminar Petri Lempinen, Director-General of the Ministry of Education and Culture 

10:20 Juha Teubl-Kiviniemi, Senior Adviser, SALTO Digital Resource Centre/OPH (remote) 

10:30 Maria Ekroth, Executive Director, Skills Finland & Heikki Helve, Municipal Director, Savo Consortium of Education. IA Impact to Finnish  Skills competitions and Vocational Education

10:50 David Hoey, CEO, WorldSkills International. How will AI and digitalization impact on the WorldSkills Competitions

11:05 Mikko Muona, Vice President, R & D,  Normet Oy. AI in business environment

11:20 Panel discussion “Artificial intelligence in education”  

11:50 Closing of the seminar  

12:00 Networking Lunch (self-funded) 

13:00 Guided Visit to the Taitaja Event – planned duration approx. one hour

In collaboration with


Main event partners