Financial Administration
The tasks of this skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in business. The qualification title of the basic qualification is merkonomi.
The professionals of this vocation may work for example in customer services and sales, marketing communications, visual merchandising, service design, finance, and office or library services tasks in different organisations.
Description of the skill category
The competition tasks are based on the requirements and criteria of ”Excellent” in the Vocational qualification in business.
Tasks of the professionals in financial administration are different tasks in external and internal cost accounting. The external cost accounting consists of day-to-day bookkeeping for different company forms, preparing the financial statements and payroll administration tasks. The internal cost accounting consists of budgeting, profit margin and cost accounting as well as financial planning of the enterprise.
A professional in financial administration is able to question and act independently and responsibly, following the ethics of the profession.
The competition is individual.
Skill requirements
A successful professional in financial administration is accurate, patient, logical and analytical. While carrying out working tasks in different organisations, s/he is able to think and consider independently according to the given instructions.
The tasks of financial administration are both customer service and expert tasks, in which the professional is able to serve as well internal as external customers in a qualitative way. In the working tasks, interaction skills, cooperation, problem solving, and communication skills are required. In order to have professional competence, the person must have a holistic understanding of the financial administration, both of external and internal accounting.
Skill category managers

Skill steering group
- Tiina Koistinen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Tanja Saastamoinen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Eila Autio
- Rilja Linden, Novida
- Seppo Aaltonen, Novida
- Mikko Kurunsaari, Itä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Samiedu
- Minna Taivassalo, Opetushallitus