The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in business. The qualification title of the basic qualification is merkonomi.
The professionals of this vocation may work for example in customer services and sales, marketing communications, visual merchandising, service design, finance, and office or library services tasks in different organisations, in an accountancy firm or in finance departments of enterprises or organisations in different sectors.
Description of the skill category
The qualification title of the Vocational qualification in business is merkonomi.
A professional in business is able to operate in a customer-oriented manner and serve customers. S/he has good cooperation and interaction skills in usual service channels, and s/he works as a team member in different working communities. A professional in customer service is able to search information about products and services as well as inform the customers about them.
TaitajaPLUS competition is intended for professional students with special needs.
Competition is individual.
TaitajaPLUS-categories are without age limit.
Skill requirements
The competition tasks and skill requirements correlate with the requirements for the grade Satisfactory in the compulsory modules of the Vocational qualification in business. The competition tasks can be utilised in vocational skills demonstrations or in parts of demonstrations. The competition tasks of the skill are planned observing the competence requirements of working life.
Skill category managers

Skill steering group
- Elina Pentikäinen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Kari Soininen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Marika Carlborg, Ammattiopisto Live
- Nina Tamminen, Ammattiopisto Spesia
- Tero Kuusisto, Ammattiopisto Spesia
- Virpi Kerppola, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Tarja Heikkinen, Opetushallitus
- Johanna Purokari, Ammattiopisto Spesia
- Miia Nousiainen, Ammattiopisto Spesia
- Lea Seppänen, PeeÄssä
- Mikko Laakkonen, Palvelualojen ammattiliitto PAM
- Markus Kuvaja, Ammattiopisto Luovi