Cleaning Services
The competition tasks of the skill category are based on the Vocational qualification in Cleaning and Property Services. The qualification titles of the basic qualification are Property Maintenance Operative, Housekeeper and Site Facilities Operative.
The professionals of this skill category can work depending on the competence area for example in enterprises of cleaning service field, as employees at the town, in education institutions, stores, shopping centres, residential properties or industrial plants in cleaning and property maintenance tasks.
Description of the skill category
The site facilities operatives and housekeepers provide different household services, cleaning services and property services. Holders of the vocational qualification manage work tasks of providing customer-oriented property services as well as maintenance and deep cleaning services in different environments. According to the qualification modules completed they have prepared for providing different services to customers’ needs.
The competition is individual and has no age-limit.
Skill requirements
The competition tasks and assessment criteria correlate with the requirements for the grade Excellent in the competence area of Domestic Services and Facilities Maintenance.
Skill category managers

Skill steering group
- Katja Piiparinen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Sirpa Janhunen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Päivi Vuorihuhta, Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä Omnia
- Marjo Kunnia, Turun ammatti-instituutti
- Leena Sinervaara, Turun ammatti-instituutti
- Minna Kyllinen
- Anne Ojala, Julkisten ja hyvinvointialojen liitto JHL
- Arto Pekkala, Opetushallitus
- Katja Piiparinen, Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä Sakky
- Laura Hallanvaara, Puolustuskiinteistöt
- Riina Pietola, Puolustuskiinteistöt
- Johanna Kolari, ISS Palvelut Oy
- Tea Rantamäki-Karjalainen, Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala